Monday, September 22, 2014

Blood of Olympus countdown: Day 15

Okay, I'm very aware that I haven't been posting in a while, and I'm sorry for not keeping you guys in the loop. Today I came to discuss Blood of olympus. It's 15 days(a 2 weeks and a day) until Blood of Olympus!!!! I'm so hyped for this thrilling ending of the saga of Percy Jackson. I've been reading this seiries for 5 years, and what a ride it's been. I've been waiting for a a WHOLE YEAR for this dang thing! I'm so excited. By the way, have any of you preordered it yet? If not, not they are selling the book for $11.00 on amazon(it's a total steal, because I'm bookstore they're probably going to be $20-25) and recently they've started to sell limited edition signed books, with a special short story in the back! I didn't order it then, sadly. If you have any questions about the Percy Jackson series you would like to ask me, feel free!

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