Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Piper McLean and Jason Grace

Okay. I'm not gonna go into a rant like I've already done before, but all I have to just say is why? I don't understand why there is so much hate around them! Just because they aren't cookie cutter copies of Percy and Annabeth, doesn't mean their weak and unimportant! Seriously! It's not even worth bashing them about. I mean, sure Percy and Annabeth have done some amazing feats, doesn't mean Piper and Jason hasn't! I mean, how much of their history do you REALLY know?  Rick has barely even explained them! Im just letting off more steam, it seems their even MORE unpopular because they're a couple. The two most hated people a COUPLE? How DARE THEYASDKJIFLJHBHJBJ! It's really annoying. Piper and Jason haters are really REALLY  increasingly getting annoying.

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