Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Idk how I'm going to survive 5 more months?!!!!!?? The BoO cover is my favorite since the SoN cover!!! Finally there is a FEMALE in this one thats not just doing Nothing at all!  But I'm thoroughly thrilled and interested by this cover. I can't wait to see the scene that it portrays.
Its only been a few hours and people are already saying WHERE IS PERCY????? Well friend, Percy has already been on 8 book covers, do really want to see that again? Honestly I'm excited to see the underrepresented characters like Frank, Hazel, and especially Jason. So friend, do
 you really want to see his face again?
But  Im very excited for Nico's pov!! I mean, we finally get to see his side of things! The war, Percy, The Athena Parthenos, Percy, the Prophecy, Percy, his sisters, did I say Percy yet? I'm just really excited cuz Nico is my favorite! Can I just say that none of my friends loved Nico (his character mind you) until I told them I did? Yeah, there all just a bunch of copiers, (lol Jk)
Can't wait till October 7th!

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