Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Blood of Olympus

Alright, let me get this point addressed, this was a good book, but I wasn't as satisfied with it as is thought I would be. Percy's 'big' sacrifice wasn't really anything major. It was really him just deciding whether to fight Gaea with Jason, Leo, and Piper or not. The fight with Gaea was WAY too easy, and super anticlimactic. I mean, all Piper ha to do was sing her to sleep! I mean REALLY? The most powerful goddesss in all of Greek mythology, that in this universe, created the world itself? And....she gets defeated by...by getting sung to sleep? What? Let me just move past that. I was upset that he ended on a Leo chapter, because it was kind of cheap to me that he didn't really die. I mean, all his friends thought he was dead, but no, He's alive! And as far as he knows, he has no plans to go back and tell them that he's not dead. Hmm. But I loveeeeeed the Nico an Reyna's chapters. I love how Nico's wasn't all about how angry he is and Percy, even though some of that was thrown in there. I also loved how Reyna's wasn't about how sad she was because she didn't have a boyfriend. I'm also glad at the friendship they had, and how Coach Hedge got to see his unborn child and Mellie. I also liked the scenes when Annabeth showed how scared Tartarys scared her, because she's a tough gal! The chapters were all good, and even though I wish some Frank and Hazel chapters were in there, it was sweet how the series began with Jason, Piper, and Leo, and how it ended (Minus Nico and Reyna) with them too. One more con, I didn't enjoy Leo's chapters much. They were all about him, Calypso. It may sound really harsh but, these all were kinda minor things for me except the good things I've mentioned. It was an awesome book, and a good ending to the series.

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