Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Maze Runner

Originally, I started reading this about a Chapter in and thought it was boring. I reread it, and I then thoroughly liked it. I really like the way James introduced the main characters, and how they fit into the plot of the story. The plot is a little out there, but it makes sense, and he makes it work. I also kinda enjoyed the character of Teresa, but she reminded me of Tris, which isn't a good thing, at all. Anyways, the way her and Thomas used to know each other was interesting. One of my favorite moments was when the Galders finally figured out the 'puzzle' to the maze, and they gained courage and strength and all that good stuff. Just one thing though:Chuck was a precious child. Death for precious children is not acceptable. Any who, even though I didn't like Teresa much, and I thought it was kind of rushed, I did enjoy this. Note: I have read up to the 3rd book, I will be doing a post soon on the second one.

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