Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Maya Angelou, is dead. I had just known today, but i recall it happened  about 3-4 days ago I think? One of the greatest (In my opinion) writer that i've seen,even though Ive only read one of her books, she still got me. The book I read, "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" swells with real life issues, detail, a few laughs, and just some things I can really relate to when she describes the life of little
Marguerite and her family.  Condolences and my prayers to Maya's family. Though I wasn't around when she became famous, I've recognized all that she's done, and how she inspired so many people.

Saturday, May 24, 2014


As I said before, I did read Allegiant a little under a month ago. I'd like to express my (probably unpopular) opinions about Allegiant.
Here goes the unpopular opinion number one. Allegiant was the worst book in the series to me. It really was. It was ok, barely ok. It seemed to me that it was very anti-climatic, and kinda boring and sluggish. They spent 95% of the book in a lab, everyone feeling lame because they are GD(genetically damaged), Tris (for once) trying people to not feel bad because Tris is the only GP(genetically perfect(which is very rare) ) , Tris and Tobias getting mad at each other and having trust issues, and Tris trying to be cocky and take over the lab place they were in.
I mean don't get me wrong, I really like the series as a whole, but not this individual book respectfully.
Unpopular opinion number two. Tris's death wasn't all that sad to me. First of all because I've had it spoiled way too much, secondly because I rarely get too sad over fictional character  deaths, thirdly Tris isn't really my favorite, and fourthly I think it happened a little too suddenly; I had to reread it to figure out what happened. Some of my favorite chapters happened in Tobias's POV though, I really liked his chapters. How he viewed Caleb, Christina, Tris, Peter and others was really cool too see. I really wanted to see the other characters POV's though.  It kinda upset me the way Tris treated Caleb, but she made up for it when she sacrificed herself for him In the end, even though she died.


Ok so I read insurgent and Allegiant a month ago, but I never blogged about it.
 Insurgent was, ok. I didn't really enjoy it much because it was really just about Tris and Tobias's relationship, Tris doing dumb things, and Tris trying to kill Jeanine and all of the Eurdite because apparently all Eurdite are evil. It didn't really live up to Divergent.  It was a little irregularly paced, it went too fast in some spots, and too slow in some areas. The content was decent, but sometimes a little hard to follow.
Also I really don't like Tris's character too much, because of the way she nonchalantly treats people, usually , she thinks everyone else is tha attacker. Tris rarely feels like she is doing a lot of wrong. She barely feels any kind of wrong towards her friends and family. She does do those things with good purpose and intent though, and usually the destructive things she does is for some better and greater purpose. Despite her heroic yet destructive actions, if I met her her in real life, I would only talk to her if I was forced to. I think heroism isn't just being strong and brave like Tris is, but treating people with respect and treat them like they have feelings, which Tris only does for few people. Sure, you can be mad a people but seriously Tris? The things she does may be heroic, but I think Tris's heroism should go outside the classroom (if you understand that idiom). Overall, Insurgent wasn't the best by far, but it was decent, about a 6.5/10 if you ask me.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


On Friday the 16th, the day of release,my family went to see  the new Godzilla movie
This is a movie really begins to  starts with a young boy that had moved to Japan,heading to school one day, while his father tries to figure out the patterns of quakes in the Earth. At the nuclear plant, his mother heads out in to a radioactive zone with all of her gear and protection. She gets trapped there when the sudden, for lack of a better word, "earthquake" shakes the building. His mother dies with his dad watching and powerless to save her and her colleagues . 15 or so years later, his wife gets a call from Japan to tell him that his father had been arrested for going on a toxic zone, and trespassing on it. When he arrives in Japan to get his dad, they head to his house. His house contains many things about the quakes and their repetivtive patterns, echolocation, and many newspapers about the different earthquake motions.  They take off to the exact nuclear zone that his dad was arrested for being there, which isn't even toxic at all. They are caught and taken to the Renault nuclear plant that his mom had died in. The father is enraged at them. He demands that he needs to know the full truth of what is happening, because he has an almost full level of an idea. He claims "IM NOT CRAZY!...I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE HIDING!...IF YOU DONT STOP WHATEVER IS COMING,  IT'LL TAKE US BACK TO THE STONE AGE!!" he also demands to be told because he has a right, and his wife died in there. Suddenly, the monster his father had been describing wakes, breaks free, and destroys the whole plant. Taking many people down with it, including his dad. When the creature flies off and wreaks havoc, destroys, and kills. Who will stop this beast? Only time will tell!
This movie was truly amazing! The acting, dialogue, plot, you name it! It was awesome. They set the story up very well with the beginning showing the mine collapsing, and them finding a huge carcass. It was awesome how the main character fought and was very intelligent in doing so. When the scientist kept mentioning to "Let them fight" and " Let nature take its course" created lots of suspense and wonder. This movie was amazing, and I'd recommend anyone to go see it!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

King's Island

Ok so on May 17 my friend and I went to King's Island! It was soo much more fun than I remembered it! This was my second year going but man, I'm glad I did go! They released a new ride called the Banshee(which I didnt ride) and it was the world's longest inverted rollercoaster. She didn't get on very many for reasons that I don't know if she wants me to share or not... Anyways I rode on : the Vortex, the Racer, Adventure Express, the Bat,Surf Dog(in snoopy land), the Diamondback, and White Water Canyon.
The rides I went on in all: (the ones above) the Monster, Race for your life Charlie Brown!,Congo Falls, Windseeker, Scrambler, Zephyr, Scrambler, and (Shake, Rattle, and Roll).
My friend mainly just got a new, absolutely (not really to me) adorable Minion stuffed thing, a Henna tattoo, and her birth month bracelet (Tarus bull if that's how you spell it).  And she got on  a few rides with me.
The food was expectedly overpriced, but delicious! We got this heavenly ice cream, and get this, we got a funnel cake that had whipped cream, ice cream, chocolate syrup, and cherries on it! It was one of the most delicious dessert I've ever had!
All in all, in my friend's (repetitive) words, "This is one of the best days I've had in a while!"

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Idk how I'm going to survive 5 more months?!!!!!?? The BoO cover is my favorite since the SoN cover!!! Finally there is a FEMALE in this one thats not just doing Nothing at all!  But I'm thoroughly thrilled and interested by this cover. I can't wait to see the scene that it portrays.
Its only been a few hours and people are already saying WHERE IS PERCY????? Well friend, Percy has already been on 8 book covers, do really want to see that again? Honestly I'm excited to see the underrepresented characters like Frank, Hazel, and especially Jason. So friend, do
 you really want to see his face again?
But  Im very excited for Nico's pov!! I mean, we finally get to see his side of things! The war, Percy, The Athena Parthenos, Percy, the Prophecy, Percy, his sisters, did I say Percy yet? I'm just really excited cuz Nico is my favorite! Can I just say that none of my friends loved Nico (his character mind you) until I told them I did? Yeah, there all just a bunch of copiers, (lol Jk)
Can't wait till October 7th!