Monday, July 28, 2014

Dawn of the planet of the apes

Okay,I'm gonna get straight to the point on this one. This movie felt really...different. Don't get me wrong, it's a good movie, but seeing the apes riding around on horses and shooting guns, felt weird to me. It also looked kinda awkward at other points. But I definitely and happily noticed how it was more about the apes. I thought there were going to be a lot more humans, but I was wrong. It was also very interesting how smart they had really become, developing their own society, sign language, government, army,and how some could even talk in full sentences. The betrayal was easy to see coming, knowing how mad he was at Ceasear for trusting the people. I'm glad they developed it though, and just not making it form in 15 minutes. And the animation was STUNNING. It was really good! So, in full, great movie! Wouldn't recommend for peope with low tolerances for violence though. See you next time!

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