Thursday, June 5, 2014

X-Men: Days of Future Past

So, this is the first X-men movie I have ever seen. Ever. Alot of people have been saying that all of the X-Men movies are amazing, even though they aren't big fans of the X-men, proffering Marvel or DC. Frankly I have to say, I totally agree! It was awesome how they mixed in history with the movie, and did it quite well! SPOILERS: Wolverine traveled back to 1973(?) to keep Mystique from killing an evil mastermind that is trying to research and duplicate mutants. Usually his research ends up killing them.  The chain reaction of Mystique killing him leads to the government capturing her, experimenting on her, taking and copying Mystique's cell structure, that they will use to create robots that counter any mutants power, adapt to every surrounding, and absorb their powers. This all leads to mass destruction of mutants, and almost all of the human race. What is left of them is controlled by an evil and cruel power.
  I thought this movie was AWESOME. The acting was great, the plot and storyline was also pretty cool. There was not really any questions to be asked about what happened if you pay attention to the movie.  When Wolverine traveled back in time to meet Xavier, ( the professor) and it shows how much the professor had changed was almost....weird. How much he had changed. He'd always been somewhat knowledgable, but not always wise or nessicarily strong.
I went to see this Monday, so I'm probably forgetting some stuff. But what I do remember is that this was a great movie, and everyone should go see it!

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