Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Annabeth Chase

I want to know you guys's opinion on Annabeth

Piper McLean and Jason Grace

Okay. I'm not gonna go into a rant like I've already done before, but all I have to just say is why? I don't understand why there is so much hate around them! Just because they aren't cookie cutter copies of Percy and Annabeth, doesn't mean their weak and unimportant! Seriously! It's not even worth bashing them about. I mean, sure Percy and Annabeth have done some amazing feats, doesn't mean Piper and Jason hasn't! I mean, how much of their history do you REALLY know?  Rick has barely even explained them! Im just letting off more steam, it seems their even MORE unpopular because they're a couple. The two most hated people a COUPLE? How DARE THEYASDKJIFLJHBHJBJ! It's really annoying. Piper and Jason haters are really REALLY  increasingly getting annoying.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Heaven is for Real

Recently I went and saw the movie I think it's called," Heaven is for Real"
It's about a boy who gets sick with appendicitis, and has to undergo emergency surgery. While in the surgery, his soul goes up to heaven and describes to his dad about things his dad has a hard  time believing, and so does the community. His dad is a preacher, that is financially unstable, and preaching is his only real paying job. When his son tells him and everyone about his vivid and impossible visions of heaven, the news, and his family get involved; and having a hard time getting out.
          This movie is very touching and emotional, and has amazing actors! This movie im guessing is targeted towards beleivers like me, and if not one; an AWESOME family film to watch. This movie is all sorts of amazing, and I really, REALLY loved this movie! I'd recommend anyone to go see it!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Divergent(the book)

Recently, I finished the amazing book called Divergent. This book is about Tris Prior, who at sixteen is to choose where she belongs in the world, first by taking a test. Her test results are rare; she got Divergent, a dangerous player in the game of society. As  trying to fit in as a Divergent, her life is changed. Forever.
   Can I just say, awesome? This book has the same magic that drew us to Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Pjo/HoO, and Legend.  It has action, drama, compelling plot and story , and it's fast paced, but doesn't leave you behind. I'd recommend this book to anyone 12+, tbh it's more of a teenage book anyways. Most people have already read it, but to anyone that hasnt, go grab a copy!
Hey everyone! Long time no see! I was just on my vacation to California  a couple weeks ago, and it was AMAZINNNG! The beaches and piers were beautiful! I went to the original Disneyland  and I rode SO MANY rides! I also went to the newly installed  California Adventurepark, where the two main attractions were the thrilling Tower of Terror, inspired by the Twilight Zone. And the sky high California screamin coaster! It was my first upside down roller coaster, and I was impressed by how I handled it! I also got to catch up with some family, and friends..... This was one of the best vacations I've ever had!