Thursday, August 14, 2014

Robin Williams

YOU GUYS. I'm just really sad over Robin Williams death. Very sad. His depression just took over I guess. I wish he would've got help so he would still be alive. He gave laughter to millions, but couldn't to himself. I'm praying for his family. R.I.P. Robin Williams.

Rio 2

I'm just stating that yes, I have seen the original, so I think I can fairly judge this. To be honest, yes, this was a cute little movie. Compared to the original though, I like this one just a smidge less than the first. The first was all about Blu's background, adventure, and discovering new places, and new things about yourself that you never knew that you could do. Yes, this DID explore Jewel's background, and that there's more macaws, but she didn't discover too much. She really didn't change all that much. One thing I liked better than the first movie though, was the songs, and the animals. WOW. I LOVED the songs. Just. WOW. I liked though how Blu was trying to prove himself in the ways of the tribe, when REALLY, he had the smarts,not the brawn. That's what saved the day. The first movie was a lot more emotional and a lot deeper than this movie, this one was just basically about them going to the forest and trying to keep the people out. Also, the villans in this one were very non-exsistent and very one-dimensional, so, not very impressed. Sorry that I forget their names but, I wasn't as comfortable with the frog's infatuation with the bird. Their scenes were just filler scenes to me. Also I feel that Linda and her husband should of been involved more like they were in the first movie, but that's just me. This movie I feel, just moved a little too slow, and it was kinda repetitive. But overall, I liked it, but not as much as the first.